5 destinations to exercise in nature

Do exercise It's a good habit that helps take care of your Health ; However, the specialists of the University of Oklahoma recommend practicing sport outdoors to reconnect with yourself and effectively eliminate the stress . GetQoralHealth recommends the best natural destinations to do exercise .

1. Beach: The sensation of freshness given by the breeze and the sea are ideal for practicing yoga , meditation or Tai Chi . The texture of the sand prevents injuries in some position.

2. Forest: If what you want is to clear your mind and breathe fresh air, this landscape is perfect for running or hiking. Running on the grass strengthens the muscles of the legs.

3. Mountain: If you want a load of adrenalin When you exercise, skiing is ideal for you. Skiing is an aerobic sport that increases the physical resistance and improve the Balance .

4. River: In this destination you can practice rafting , This is a sport Effective to eliminate stress and tension. Strengthens the muscles of the arms, back and trunk.

5. Jungle: The tropical climate of the jungle is ideal for practicing trekking , this discipline helps you to burn calories and improve muscle strength. If you like to explore and discover new things, this is the sport what were you looking for.

Nature not only offers you the opportunity to exercise, you can also admire fabulous landscapes. Do not forget that to continue enjoying these beauties you have to take care of them.

Video Medicine: 10 Places Science Can't Explain (May 2024).