Cures cravings

Cravings? Potatoes, creamy ice cream, chocolate? Many times what the body desperately asks for is a way to let people know what they need and what is happening to them.

Discover what your cravings say about your health and listen to your body:

Chocolate. Chocolate cravings usually indicate that the body lacks magnesium. Many nutritionists estimate that more than 80% of the population lacks magnesium in their diet, which could explain the desire to consume this food.

Although chocolate contains many antioxidants, most of them also contain a high amount of sugar. If you're going to spoil yourself with a bit of this delicious dessert, make sure it's dark, because they contain about 75% cocoa, less sugar and more antioxidants.

Sweets. You could be experiencing changes in blood sugar. But succumbing to countries, sweets or cakes, could make the situation worse, since your body enters a roller coaster of sugar that has as a consequence more cravings.

If you can, choose high-fiber foods such as legumes that help keep blood sugar levels stable.

Salty food. When you die for a bag or popcorn, it indicates that a chronic stress is affecting your adrenal glands, which are those that are on top of the kidneys and are responsible for giving you energy and relieving stress of all kinds.

Learning to overcome stress is very important for our life, so try techniques such as meditation or breathing exercises.

Red meat. It is not surprising that red meat cravings show an iron deficiency. Now you know why you feel like a hamburger or a huge piece of meat. This happens more often when you are menstruating, since iron levels fall significantly.
Solve that need by eating legumes, natural plums or figs.

Cheese. When you feel like cheese or pizza, your body is warning you that there is a lack of fatty acids, which is very common, as few people consume enough Omega-3. Choose to eat natural nuts, salmon or flaxseed oil.

Cures cravings

Most cravings are signs that the body is dehydrated, but we misinterpret the notices and understand it as "hungry." Before you eat anything, take a big glass of water, because you could be giving your body exactly what it needs and the craving will disappear.

80% of people spend most of the day dehydrated, so before you fall into binge eating junk food, drink water and wait 15 to 20 minutes to see how your body responds.

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