Isometric abdominals for a flat stomach

The transverse abdominal is the muscle deeper in that region, so if you want to have a flat stomach, it is essential to strengthen it through abdominal exercises, to reduce the percentage of body fat accumulated

In this sense, the work of the transverse abdominal is very effective if it is done through Isometric contractions (without movement), which are contractions to maintain a specific static position.

The basic exercise for performing isometric crunches, also known as isometric , is to be placed on the floor face down, with legs extended. Separate from the ground with the tips of the feet and elbows supported, taking care not to lift the hip much, so that the entire body (lower limbs and column) are in line.

In this way, the head will look towards the floor, without taking it up (this would hyperextend the cervical spine), nor taking the pear against the body (it would flex the spine).

In that position you must hold your posture, looking to relax the arms and shoulders that tend to tense. The time of a series will vary greatly depending on how trained you are, from short series of about 20 seconds in beginners, to even two minutes in very advanced people, according to specialists from

To exemplify the above, in GetQoralHealth we present you a video with a routine about the type of work abdominal isometric :

At all times the muscle is working, there is no rest, so the intensity of the exercise is high, which allows a greater reduction of fat and, as a result, a flat stomach.

Another benefit of isometric abdominals is that you will also work on the area of ​​the shoulders, arms and buttocks. So it is a very complete and easy to perform exercise; however, they are contraindicated for people hypertensive , because when maintaining the position, it accumulates blood pressure at muscle .

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Video Medicine: Sitting Abdominal Exercises During Pregnancy (April 2024).