4 problems you can have in your legs

It is possible that you are one of the people who tend to appreciate the beauty or defects of the body of the neighbor, and you only remember yours when there is some pain or discomfort. For example, there are four problems of legs that can stop you from getting used to it

Most of these problems of the legs they are vascular and it is normal that they register more frequently among women, due to hormonal changes. We present them to you!

1.- Venous insufficiency: This problem of the legs is the most common and its origin is genetic, although it also occurs after a thrombosis or the formation of clots, reveals Ignacio Escotto Sánchez, an angiologist at UNAM .

"Impacts the superficial and deep vein systems and prevents the blood flow down. Causes hypertension venous with which varices are formed (veins with more than three millimeters in diameter) ".

Its symptoms are pain, burning, tiredness and heaviness in the legs. Appearance of small spider-shaped veins, on the lateral part of the thighs or on the ankles. In many occasions, you only need to exercise, use stockings or compression socks, get off weight and medications to activate the venous system.

2.- Venous thrombosis: It is the partial or total obstruction of veins , caused by a clot, which prevents the normal flow of blood towards the heart. This problem of the legs occurs by a disease call thrombophilia , which favors the formation of clots.

Prolonged rest, such as after prolonged travel in the same position or in major surgery, could cause thrombosis , adds Escotto Sanchez, also an endovascular surgeon from the Heart Institute, in Arizona.

Among its symptoms are inflammation of the leg, changes in coloration (becomes reddish), temperature, pain to touch and walking. Normally, the angiologist will determine if you require hospitalization; however, it suggests rest and raise the feet at least 15 centimeters above the bed, as well as the supply of anticoagulants.

3.- Atherosclerosis: This condition of the legs occurs more in men and consists of the formation of plates called atheroma , derived from the accumulation of grease and tiny calcium particles in the arteries . These plaques clog the artery and leave the leg or blood without oxygenated blood. tissue , which sometimes causes heart attacks in it.

The most affected are smokers and hypertensive patients, those with diabetes or genetic load for atherosclerosis. Generally, this condition arises after 50 years. Its symptoms are pain when walking and cramps. Only endovascular surgery allows to uncover the arteries .

4.- Cellulitis: This is not due to a circulatory disorder, it is the accumulation of grease , which is not distributed harmoniously by the body, often in thighs and buttocks . This is one of the problems of the legs that is almost exclusive to women, as a consequence of genetic, hormonal or overweight , which affect the way of storing fats .

In some cases, the cellulitis It is reduced with diet, but so far there is no recognized drug that acts in a lasting way against it. The ideal is to maintain physical activity constant and balanced diet.

Ignacio Escotto Sánchez, member of the Mexican Society of Angiology , indicates that several agents such as overweight , the lack of movement, high pressure , diabetes , high levels of cholesterol and the smoking , they detonate the problems of the legs, especially the cardiovascular ones.

Remember that your legs have various functions among which are: provide balance, allow you to stand and perceive the surface on which you lean, without forgetting that they help you to perform numerous physical activities, as well as move from one place to another, says Gérard Mégret, an angiologist and specialist in diseases circulatory

Therefore, it is very important that you take care of them, since there is a large number of individuals who care more about the health of other parts of their body and leave aside their legs, with which they have little care. And you, how much time do you dedicate to your legs?