Is life over?

His talent and charisma have made him one of the most recognized Hollywood images internationally; however, he is also a fighter. Tom Hankes He has just confirmed that he has suffered type two diabetes for two decades.

According to a coordinated investigation by the doctor Armando Arredondo of the Mexican Diabetes Federation, the cost of the disease in Mexico was 8,835 million pesos, of which 55% was directly paid by the relatives.

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Is life over?

Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs because the pancreas does not manufacture the amount of insulin that the human body needs, or the factory of a lower quality. Insulin is the main substance responsible for maintaining adequate blood sugar levels.

However, with a treatment (exercise, diet and adequate medication) you can have an excellent quality of life. To prove it to you, we present you through this photo gallery 6 celebrities with diabetes that like Tom Hanks They show us that you can enjoy every moment.