Elements of male self-esteem

Low self-esteem is actually a disorder of thought, in which an individual sees himself as inadequate, unworthy, unworthy of love, and / or incompetent. This disorder affects millions of people and, although it was previously thought to be predominant in women, there is currently a high rate of men suffering from it.

The self-concept of a man depends mainly on external factors, and due to cultural factors, low self-esteem can be generated more easily than in women, given the problems or errors of daily life, explains Silvia Russek, specialist in clinical psychology and couples therapy.

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Elements of male self-esteem

There are various elements that make up the so-called masculinity, according to the clinical psychologist; However, when one of these loses its value, is damaged or put on trial, low self-esteem can then be generated. Among them:

1. Success For man, it is not enough to have what he wants. It is necessary that their achievements be recognized by others.

2. Money . Money is not only important for man, for what he can acquire, but because it represents in a clear and tangible way, his success. The acquisitions are a symbol of it.

3. Power The greater the control over things and the rest, the more their esteem is reaffirmed, in addition to their concept of strength and capacity. The lack of control, on the contrary, is a symbol of insecurity and weakness.

4. Intelligence Achievements based on intelligence, mental dexterity, or academic performance demonstrate the ability of a man. It is a key element given that some men tend to compare themselves with the rest, and if they do not succeed, they suffer from low self-esteem.

5. Sexual performance. Sexuality is the main or one of the most important elements that manhood represents and, therefore, the value of a man as such. The sexual dysfunctions , insecurity and poor performance damage a man's self-esteem considerably.

6. Physical appearance . The current stereotypes, regarding masculinity and physicality, for many men can be unattainable or generate negative behaviors and personality changes, which in the end, cause low self-esteem.

To avoid low self-esteem, it is important that a man learn to know himself, his strengths and weaknesses, as well as his tastes and goals. In this way you will be more able to achieve what you want in life (in all senses) and will acquire greater confidence and security.

Video Medicine: Self Esteem - Understanding & Fixing Low Self-Esteem (April 2024).