Take care of your money and buy what's necessary!

For women, go for purchases it's like a "hobbie", as they experience emotions of joy and emotion, however, there are times when they can buy more unconsciously, because what surrounds them encourages this behavior.

However, when do you buy more? According to various studies, from the mood to the form of attention in the stores, it influences so that people consume More Products.


Take care of your money and buy what's necessary!

1. Nostalgia. A study published in the Journal of Consumer Research It details that when you go shopping and you find an article that goes back to a special time in your life, the purchase chip is activated, although it is not necessary at that moment and regardless of the price.

2. Fear of death . Researchers of the Michigan State University They explain that fear of death causes people to spend compulsively to reduce stress.

3. Exposure to mirrors. Stores have their own strategies for people to consume more products , for example, it is necessary that the "star" products should be at eye level and on the right side of the store. In addition, the mirrors challenge to contemplate on how you can see yourself with that product, which encourages you to buy more.

4. Seller's perception . According to a study of the University of British Columbia , people buy more when a seller is not sure that they can pay for the product, that is, ignores people or does not attend adequately.

5. Special music . Kathleen Vohs, professor at the University of Minnesota , details that music influences people at the time of purchase, since a noisy environment causes people to choose items they do not need

Are any of these moments familiar to you? If so, try to stop and think if you really need the product before buy , as well as the pros and cons of doing so.

Do not allow impulses to control the way in which purchases . You can even carry only the cash you want to use and not carry the credit cards, so you will avoid the temptation to buy other things you do not need. And you, when do you buy more?

Video Medicine: Save Money: Stop Buying These Ten Free Things (April 2024).