Errors we make when we pluck our eyebrows ... Beware!

The eyebrows are and always will be an important element of facial expression. We love them! But we also hate them, because it's not easy to keep them in shape.

These are some of the most common mistakes we make when shaving them:


Use poor quality tweezers

Spend in one that in the end will not serve or will make the result is not good.


Pluck them every day

Ideally, do it once every two or three weeks. It is better to let the hair grow and then remove it.


Leave them too thin

The eyebrow thicker the better, because according to experts from Le Petit Salon, the populated make the face look younger.

Ignore the ideal way

It is advisable to have the opinion of a professional so that the frame of the face is appropriate.


Forget the top

Everything counts, sometimes we just depilate the bottom part.

Photos: courtesy

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