Brain injury causes syndrome of the hand of others

The syndrome of the hand of others or Dr. Strangelove , is a mental disorder that causes one of the hands of the sufferer, acquire the ability to move against his will as if he had a life of his own.

This syndrome is more frequent in people who have been subjected to surgery cerebral, severe trauma with some kind of injury or infections. Also those that have been subjected to a surgery which applies for the separation of brain hemispheres with the finality of relaxing symptoms of very extreme cases of epilepsy (commissurotomy) .

It is believed that this condition results from the disconnection between the different parts of the brain with control over the body. As a result, different regions of the brain they are able to control body movements without being aware of what other parts of the body are doing.

That's why, here in GetQoralHealth We present the video of one of the documented cases, in which the Dr. David Pérez, Head of Neurology at Infanta Cristina Hospital , explains us about it:

The patient is not aware of what his hand is doing until it catches his attention; You can feel touch in your hand, but believe that it is not part of your body and you do not have control over your movements. "Strange hands" can perform complicated acts such as buttoning and unbuttoning a shirt.

Unfortunately, there is currently no treatment that can eradicate these strange symptoms. However, it has been shown that the symptoms can be reduced significantly by occupying the hand with some tasks, such as holding an object while performing other activities.