Eating disorders affect more women

The eating disorders It is not only the problems of adults, unfortunately, the number of young people affected is increasing. Around 15% of the population of the young women suffers from different types of feeding conditions such as anorexy , bulimia or the overeating .

Surveys conducted shows that 40% of girls First and second graders are already wanting to be thinner, and 80% of 10-year-old girls are already worried about being fat in the future. The majority of eating disorders affect more women than men .

The adolescence It is a very difficult stage. Adolescents are in a period in which they constantly discover their identities. It is exhausting, confusing and terrifying. Some find the transition easy, while for others, social pressure makes it much more difficult for children to move from childhood to youth.

When teenagers are congratulated on how they look, they feel very satisfied and some may resort to extreme measures just to keep it. The media is another important influence in how teenagers see themselves. The media has a great influence on how women are perceived as beautiful when they are thin. The actresses that are very thin , are the models to follow.


The influences of teenagers

Besides media , the family could also have a significant effect on how teens see themselves. The individuals, young boys Y Adults , are prone to eating disorders if they had a traumatic experience in their life, such as divorce, death, abuse, or diet.

Parents may comment too much on the appearance and restrict their child's diet, which could also lead to disorders of the feeding .

The pop culture and the environment have very important effects on how teenagers they see themselves and their bodies. Therefore, the school should help children and take care of teenagers at such a difficult age. There could be diffusion of information to educate students about eating disorders and their consequences .

Schools must also have counselors who can identify the Signs Y symptom of the disorders food . There must be help available if there is students that show them It is important to address the condition from the beginning, before you can move forward.

What you need to fear about eating disorders are the long-term effects that the person might suffer, such as renal insufficiency , problems cardiac and conflicts psychological deeper.

Adolescents are in a very confused situation, in which they need to feel good about themselves and, at the same time, accept the truth about their body and their life. They need all the support they can get. Friends, relatives and family are the ones who should mainly provide it.

Video Medicine: Eating Disorders: Why Are Girls More Affected? (May 2024).