Eating carbohydrates could trigger cancer

A study by the University of Texas argues that consuming too many carbohydrates increases the chance of lung cancer. Researchers observed almost 50% prevalence of lung cancer in people who had a diet high in carbohydrates compared with those who had a low diet of these.

Another investigation, this one Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center reveals that eating more than once a week fried carbohydrates , is associated with an increased risk of Cancer , in addition to predisposing to a more aggressive evolution of tumors by carcinogenic substances of oil.

In their study, the specialists observed that the risk of suffering prostate cancer and tumors increases between 30 and 37% in men who consumed fried foods once a week, compared to those who did not.

The fried foods with abundant oil have been previously associated with other types of cancers , specifically of breast, lung, pancreas, neck and esophagus, due to the relationship of the carcinogenic substances with oxidative stress and chronic inflammation.

Potentially substances are formed when the oil is heated to the high temperatures necessary for frying food. carcinogenic , like acrylamide, very abundant in foods rich in carbohydrates, such as potato chips or weathered.

In this sense, the nutritionist Lorena Almeida, Nutrition Coordinator for Kellogg's Company Latin America explains acrylamide is a substance that is also related to the cigarette , so it can become a factor that, associated with a diet rich in fried carbohydrates, would affect the accumulation of carcinogenic substances .

Therefore, the nutritionist AllBran advises to moderate the consumption of fried or roasted foods at high temperatures, prefer to steam cook to avoid carcinogenic substances ; consume five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, because the antioxidants which they contain help to "sweep" those compounds from the organism.

Explain that you should not burn food, like toast, whose black color is related to those carcinogenic substances ; while when frying foods, barely a golden, unburned layer should be formed.

Therefore, as an alternative to combat and eliminate carcinogenic substances , advised to consume whole grain cereals that, because of its high content fiber , help their absorption and elimination of toxins thanks to their fatty acids beneficial

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