A glass a day will change your life

Although it is usual to see it in shopping centers or markets, this soft fruit can be consumed in another variation that is not in its natural state: in drink. The pear water benefits They are not very widespread, although one of them is that it prevents hangovers because it contributes to the elimination of alcohol toxins.


Pear water is an excellent detox, because it regulates digestion and consequently the daily excretion of agents harmful to health. It also hydrates, this is because the pear is composed of 84% water ", indicates a study performed by the expert Holly Reilan


A glass a day will change your life

To prepare the water all you need is to grind a pear, juice of a lemon, half a teaspoon of sugar or agave honey, 12 to 15 leaves of basil, and two cups of water. And when you drink it you will achieve these benefits:

Video Medicine: This Poem Will Change Your Life | Rudy Francisco - Complainers | Goalcast (April 2024).