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The obesity Y the overweight they have become, in recent years, a serious problem for health systems and people who suffer from it. However, there are some tricks that can help control this problem; example, eat more white foods.

According to a study published in the Journal of Consumer Research, and made by Lawrence Garber of Appalachian State University, the color of the foods it influences the perception of their flavor. In experiments in which the sweetness of an orange juice was maintained but its color was altered, the researchers observed that the more intense the pigmentation the sweeter the subjects perceived their taste.


You may also like:  Top 5 hard foods to lose weight


Perfect color

The basis of a good diet, and that is effective, is the right combination of elements; example, white foods, some of which are effective for lose weight. Discover them!

1. Yogurt In the long term, eating this food helps you lose weight more than fruit or vegetables, so says a study of the Harvard School of Public Health, and published in the magazineNew England Journal of Medicine.

2. Oatmeal . Miquel Pros, author ofHow oatmeal cures and founder of the Spanish Association of Naturopathic Doctors , says that this cereal does not make you fat and helps reduce the extra kilos, thanks to its content of fiber that regulates metabolism.

3. White tea. A research of the laboratories Beiersdorf AG , published in the Nutrition and Metabolism magazine, states that the consumption of an infusion made with white tea inhibits the generation of new adiposity cells and stimulates the elimination of fat.

4. Jícama. According to information fromDiabetes Hands Foundation, jicama is an excellent alternative to incorporate into the menu of patients with diabetes , thanks to its low content of carbohydrates and high fiber. A cup of jicama contains only 45 calories. If you choose three slices of six grams contain only four calories.

5. Egg. A study ofLatin American Egg Institute ILH, points out that the egg is an effective food in the programs of weight reduction because it can produce in your body a feeling of satiety, and consequently, control what you eat.

Maintaining a balanced diet not only allows you to improve your appearance but your health. Do not forget that your well-being is in your hands!

Video Medicine: THE KETOGENIC DIET: Why It’s Superior To Low Carb, Paleo, & The Atkins Diet! (May 2024).