Unlimited passion ...

One of the best aphrodisiacs, and one that is little appreciated by couples What can be had in the field of intimacy is the imagination. The sexual fantasies can ignite that "flame" that the stress and the custom has been extinguishing.


Fantasies awaken the sexual desire and they maintain it. It is very normal to maintain fantasies during sexual intercourse , since this helps reach the orgasm, Even many people could not reach it without them. They also make it easier for us to put new elements into real sexual relationships and thus end the monotony, "says the sexologist Wendy Maltz.

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Unlimited passion ...

It is possible that men are more visual and women more context, but talking about sexual fantasies the similarities could be more than what is believed.

According to a study conducted by the University of Granada, in Spain , reveals some of the coincidences that exist in this field.

1. Men They dream, in their order, to sleep with strangers; with prodigal oral sex pleasant, very pleasant, to your partner, and mess with two women under the sheets.

2 women. In a similar sequence: have a meeting with someone they do not know, live an intimate experience with a person of the same sex and live a trio.


The sexual fantasies of women are more sentimental than those of men. In them, kisses, caresses, hugs, sensuality, nudity and love predominate. There are more references to the body and the sensuality that this gives off than to the intercourse itself, "says Maltz.

Remember that in sexuality everything is allowed as long as there is respect and trust in the couple. Beware!