Important to prevent!

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO) , these conditions represent the 5th death risk factor in the world. Each year at least 2.8 million adults die as a result of the overweight wave obesity .

In addition, 44% of the burden of diabetes , 23% of ischemic heart diseases and between 7% and 41% of some cancers .

The doctor Alaina Castro , explains that the overweight and the obesity , as well as the diseases associated with them, are largely preventable: "To achieve an adequate weight, it is recommended to adopt healthy habits, maintain a balanced diet, limit energy and sugar intake, increase the consumption of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and nuts, as well as perform periodic physical activity to achieve a balance, "says the specialist.


Important to prevent!

In order to obtain an opportune diagnosis of these conditions, periodic medical examinations are essential. The #RutaDeLaSalud It is an initiative of Elite Medical It offers medical advice services and free diagnostic studies with immediate and accurate results, such as:


  1. Bone densitometry (detection of Osteoporosis)
  2. Blood pressure
  3. Blood glucose
  4. Weight and size

According to the National Health and Nutrition Survey (ENSANUT, 2012) the increase in the prevalence of obesity In our country it is among the fastest in the world.

Today, 7 out of 10 Mexicans over 20 suffer from this disease and the majority are women (73%). Remember that healthy habits prevent diseases. Beware!

Video Medicine: Important Tree Felling Technique To Prevent Splitting (April 2024).