Do not be afraid!

It is said that life is inconstant; a sequence of good and bad experiences, in which there may be a "break". A moment that induces a change of body and even of "soul".


For Renata Roan, in an interview for GetQoralHealth, "It is in these moments of crisis where there is only one option: to reinvent oneself. And know, that although this process does not seem to have a positive aspect, it is a knowledge that can become a treasure capable of changing life ".


Do not be afraid!

No human being is except to live at a crossroads; that is, he does not know who he is, where he is going or what he should do. It is when the mind comes to change the image and attitude.

However, what are those moments? Renata, public image consultant, tells you what they are:

1. Make the transition from one decade to another: When you turn 30, 40 or 50 years old.

2. By changing the lifestyle; example, when leaving the university.