Kegel exercises improve your sexual response

The pelvic exercises of soil, or of Kegel , strengthen the muscles of the pelvis . These muscles contract and relax to help control the closure and opening of the bladder . They were created by the doctor Arnold Kegel in the city of Los Angeles, E.U.A. in the forties.

The Kegel exercises were designed with the purpose of controlling the urinary incontinence of the woman after the Birth. Later it was discovered that these exercises can also promote good results when you want to achieve a greater sexual pleasure during relationships.

The advantage of this type of exercises is that you can perform them almost anywhere and are extremely discreet, the key is to correctly identify the muscles. To achieve this, the Mayo Clinic recommends the following:


  • Insert a finger inside your vagina and try to feel the muscles nearby. You will feel like your vagina is tensed and the pelvic muscle moves up. Now relax the muscles and feel like the pelvic muscle return to your position. You can also try when urinating, stop the flow of urine and let it flow again. If you succeed, you will have the basic movement identified.


  • Concentrate For best results, focus on stress only the pelvic muscles. Do not tenses the abdomen, thighs or bubbles. Avoid holding your breath. Try to breathe normally during exercise.


  • Perfect the technique. Once the pelvic muscles are identified, empty your bladder and sit or lie on a flat surface. Contract the muscles of the pelvis , Keep the contraction for 5 seconds and then relaxes for another 5 seconds. Repeat the series four or five times. Continue exercising so that you manage to get to contract for 10 seconds and relax 10 seconds.


  • Repeat 3 times a day. Try to do the routine 3 series with at least 10 repetitions a day. Practice doing it when you are doing automated activities, such as making food or watching television. You can even do it sitting in your office.


Improve your orgasmic response

The pelvic muscles surround the opening of the vagina, and contract rhythmically during the orgasm, both men and women, so exercising them can improve the orgasmic response , according to information from the specialized portal

Scientific studies point out that there are positive effects by stressing the pelvic muscles, both physically and psychologically. The women of the studied group who performed regularly Kegel exercises reported higher levels of sexual excitement in comparison with the group that did not exercise.

Currently, the effects of exercises on anorgasmic women continue to be studied, but it is not a bad idea to apply them in daily life, both to improve the orgasmic response, as to avoid in the future the urinary incontinence.

Video Medicine: Kegel Exercises Advanced Workout For Women (April 2024).