Disciplines to achieve mental strength

Achieve the harmony between mind and the body It is not an easy task, but it is essential to achieve integral Health . Carry a good diet and perform physical activity they are the beginning of a Healthy life , but the control of the mind and emotions are your direct pass to a better quality of life . There are disciplines to balance the mind and feel better.

Disciplines to achieve mental strength

1. Yoga It's a therapy physical Y mental originated in India, which consists of exercising control of all vital impulses, and is based on physical exercises, control of the breathing Y relaxation . It can help you with conditions caused by stress , bad postures, numbness Y lack of elasticity . Although it can also adapt and help the treatment of people with hypertension, diabetes, cancer, even arthritis .

An investigation of Benson-Henr Institute and the Massachusetts General Hospital , ensures that the so-called mind-body techniques (such as yoga) can activate the genes linked to the immune system .

2. Meditation. A study shows that those who do meditation enjoy better health and well-being that the rest of the population; the main finding was that it improves the synapse (the connection between your neurons ). This practice can be of great help in the face of problems of depression , anxiety Y stress .

The study, published in the magazine Plos One, explains that there is a clear relationship between our neurons and emotions. Those who meditate, present an increase in activity in the frontal lobe -associated with the happiness Y wellness , and also of the insula, which functions as the neurological center of affective and cognitive integration.

3. Tae Bo. It's a mix between the Tae-Kwon-Do and the Box, accompanied by music as in an aerobic class. It has an important advantage for people who are trying to get out of the sedentary lifestyle since it consists of short exercises based on kicks and "hits", and not in complicated choreographies that can be stressful; this leads to greater concentration Y Strengthen your mind .

One of its biggest advantages is that there is no age range to do it since you do not need a large aerobic capacity . Its philosophy is based on encouraging people with mental blocks to exercise, working the part psychological and the physical Gradually

4. Aikido . It is a modern martial art from Japan, but it is not a violent activity, its different techniques are aimed at neutralizing the adversary without causing harm. Aikido seeks perfection physical Y mental of the human being and return to their practitioners promoters of the pacifist philosophy .

It is also a good option to get in shape; The nature of the movements that are carried out favors the flexibility in joints Y Tones the muscles , since it keeps them in constant tension.

5. Tai chí. The International Society of Osteoarthritis Research ensures that the regular practice of this discipline allows, in 12 weeks, to achieve improvements in patients with the condition. Results of other studies affirm that Tai Chí also benefits people withdiabetes , cardiovascular problems Y chronic pain .

Tai Chi is a low impact exercise that was born in China thousands of years ago and is considered a martial art. His philosophy is based on the phrase "healthy mind in healthy body". It is an excellent alternative for you, if you are looking for a soft activity that brings you benefits physical Y mental .

6. Running . It is a fantastic exercise for lose weight and tone up legs Y buttocks It is also one of the most effective remedies against stress , the anxiety and the lack of concentration. Running allows you to focus on your breathing and contemplate the landscape that surrounds you while you exercise.

The deep breathing and rhythmic helps to calm the negative thoughts . Because of the oxygenation your body receives, brain is able to solve more effectively the problems of everyday life.

7. Swim Increase your muscle mass and tone it, lengthen your muscles , it gives them strength. If you're looking to lose weight or keep it off, you should know that swimming forty minutes , you can burn around 500 calories . The contact with water helps to decontract muscles and release stress.

8. Body balance. Also known as "sweet gymnastics" will work your entire body, as it combines muscle toning, stretching, balance, postural correction and relaxation in the same session.

You start with easy and fluid movements of Tai Chi, to leave behind the accumulated tensions, focus on yourself and warm your body. Afterwards, yoga and pilates sequences are implemented to strengthen Y tone up the main muscle groups. The last 10 minutes are reserved for the relaxation Y meditation that bring so much benefits physiological as psychological .

9. Dance. Dancing is a creative and social activity that brings great benefits to your mental health and emotional well-being . It has been proven that dancing helps to alleviate the symptoms of depression and strengthens the self esteem .
It also helps keep the brain in shape.

Some studies have shown that dancing in salons regularly could decrease the risk of dementia and the disease Alzheimer's , since dancing involves sensations and emotions and these elevate the activity of the right frontal lobe , what exercises our memory.

10. Capoeira. It is a mixture of martial art, dance and game of Afro-Brazilian origin that has been spread all over the planet thanks to the fact that it helps to create resistance physical , mental agility Y concentration , all in an atmosphere of fun, music and joy. It is classified within the cardiovascular disciplines what improves your circulation and lung capacity , also facilitates the channeling of stress Y anxiety .

Any of these 10 disciplines to balance the mind will help you find the balance you are looking for, you just have to decide to start from today.

Video Medicine: The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong | Amy Morin | TEDxOcala (April 2024).