Diet vs. triglycerides

The triglycerides are Saturated fats that are produced in the body from others fatty acids . When they occur in excess, there is hypertriglyceridemia , and if it is not treated in time, it can lead to atherosclerosis and to a possible heart disease .

That's why, if your levels triglycerides are high, as part of the treatment you will have to make a diet with low food in Saturated fats , that help to lower the triglycerides , such as:

1. Dairy : Skimmed No butter. Margarine, only the one that is added with Omega 3 and 6

2. Egg : Clara every day. Bud only 3 times a week.

3. Meats : Preferably fish and chicken breast, leaving for only two days a week the consumption of defatted veal meat. The meat must be cooked on the grill, grill or oven, without oil.

4. Vegetables : All, preferably raw. You should only avoid the avocado.

5. Fruits : All, preferably raw and in shell. Avoid the coconut

6. Cereals : Wholegrains, rolled oats, wheat germ, brown rice, wheat bran, etc., are very useful to help lower triglycerides , due to its high content in fiber drag and remove the excess lipids .

7. Sweets : Avoid them, only sweets or jams dietetics . No kneaded bakeries, creams, cakes, sweet puddings, candies, chocolates, etc.

8. Drinks : Water, fruit juices and smoothies and soft drinks Light. Do not alcohol . Not regular sodas.

9. Infusions : Avoid coffee. There are medicinal herbs that help lower the triglycerides , like green tea, red tea or white tea.

10. Condiments : It is common that if you have triglycerides high, you can have a little high blood pressure , if so, take care of the salt in your meals, just add it once the food is cooked.

Remember that for this type of diet work it is necessary that you accompany her aerobic exercise done on a daily basis and avoid the smoking , as well as some medications that a specialist will prescribe with proper guidance.

Video Medicine: Nutrition & Diets : List of Foods That Lower Triglycerides (April 2024).