Reaction of your body ...

Would you like to have a job where you can travel all the time, know places and enjoy each destination? Unfortunately we have bad news: The business trip They damage your health, despite having a fun and glamorous appearance.

Researchers of the University of Surrey, in Great Britain, and the University of Linnaeus, in Sweden , published a new study that highlights what they call The dark side of hypermobility, where they warn: "while the glamorous aspects of travels they are present in our lives (and our mind), there is a great silence regarding their darkest side. "

The study, which synthesizes existing research on the effects of travels frequent, it details three types of consequences suffered by those men and women who have to travel for work reasons:


  1. Physiological
  2. Psychological and emotional
  3. Social

Reaction of your body ...

The physiological sequelae are the most obvious, such as jet lag, others less known are accelerated aging or increased risk of heart attack and stroke; also the danger of suffering from deep vein thrombosis, back pain and, of course, exercising less and eating less healthily than those who do not travel so much.

This is how your face suffers

The psychological and emotional effect of travels of business, though more abstract, is just as real. Frequent travelers experience something that could be called "traveling disorientation", product of the rapid change of places and time zones.

They also suffer stress, given that "the time traveled will seldom be compensated by a lower workload, in addition there will be anxiety associated with the progressive workload".

Due to the absence of family and friends, "hypermobility often involves a solitary experience," according to the authors.

Be careful with your social life!

Last but not least, it is known that marriages suffer due to constant travel, as well as the behavior of children (if there is one); Thus, relationships tend to be unequal, since the couple who stay at home are forced to take on more domestic tasks.

Friendships are also affected, because "collective activities are sacrificed for giving priority to the closest relatives when returning from the travels ”.

Of course, these impacts are mitigated by the fact that they fall on a segment of the population that is economically calm, since the so-called "mobile elite" tends to perceive higher incomes and access to better health care than the population in general.

However, all these facilities do not eliminate, as if by magic, the feeling that they often live Travellers of business; so the next time you see photos of exotic foods and luxury hotels on your colleague's Instagram, worry instead of feeling envious.