Bipolarity in childhood

Does your child experience intense changes in your state of spirit and behavior? Sometimes it excited too or do nonsense? Do you sometimes get very sad? These and other questions are developed by the National Institute of Mental Health in the United States (NIMH) to diagnose whether a child or adolescent has bipolar disorder.

Children with this mental disturbance experience unusual changes in their mood. Sometimes they feel very happy Y "animated "And they are much more active than usual (this is what is called mania). And sometimes, children feel very sad and "depressed "And they are much less active than usual (depression phase). Bipolar disorder should not be confused with the normal highs and lows experienced by all children and adolescents . Bipolar symptoms are more powerful. The disease can make it difficult for a child to do well in school or get along with their children. friends and family . For NIMH specialists, bipolar disorder can also be dangerous: some young people who suffer from it can try to hurt themselves or commit suicide.


What causes the Bipolar disorder?

The causes of bipolar disorder they are not always clear , but some factors can contribute, for example:

  • The genes, because the disease is hereditary . Children who have a parent or siblings with bipolar disorder are more likely to suffer from the disease
  • The abnormality in structure Y function of the brain
  • Anxiety disorders Children with these types of disorders are more likely to suffer from Bipolar disorder


Diagnosis of bipolar disorder in children and adolescents

See a doctor psychiatrist certified and experienced. Since there is no blood test or brain scan that can diagnose the disorder, the specialist will ask you questions about the state patterns of encouragement and sleep, as well as energy and behavior of his son. Occasionally, the doctor will need to know everything about your family history and those medical problems, such as depression or alcoholism. You may be asked to do some studies and tests to rule out bipolar disorder and know if it is another disease.

What to do if your child has bipolar disorder?

For now, bipolar disorder has no cure. However, children and adolescents who suffer from it must receive pharmacological and therapeutic treatment . With help they can improve and lead successful lives. Often, the treatment that doctors give to children is similar to that of adults, but with different doses . A treatment can help control symptoms and works better if it is continuous and is not interrupted from time to time. If your child has bipolar disorder, consider the following: patience , encourage your child to talk and listen to it carefully; be understanding about your psychic episodes and help your child understand that treatment can help him get better. You always get better results when doctors, parents, and young people work together.

Video Medicine: What Is Bipolar Disorder? | Child Psychology (April 2024).