5 effective treatments to prevent hair loss in women

Although it is more common hair loss in men, women can also suffer from poor diet, stress, anxiety and excessive use of dyes and dryers, warns the National Library of Medicine.

To avoid the hair loss you do not need to invest a fortune in expensive treatments, follow our recommendations and show it to its full glory.

Let's do it!

1. Say yes to vitamin A . This helps strengthen the hair follicles and give them shine. You find it in carrots, eggs or cheese.

2. Avoid washing your hair daily (unless you have it greasy ). Experts recommend wash it Every third day.

3. Use the massage with sweet almond oil. Once a week, massage gently with drops of this oil, let it sit for 30 minutes and rinse.

4. Wash your hair with apple cider vinegar. This ingredient is excellent as a treatment to prevent hair loss because it contains sulfur, a mineral of great benefit to the scalp. Apply it no more than 2 times per week.

5. Brush your hair You should try to do it at least 20 minutes a day, with your head tilted. This will help to promote circulation and to release garbage from the scalp.

If with these tips your hair loss continues without stopping, you should consult a dermatologist to rule out any problem on your scalp or with a gynecologist in case it is due to a hormonal issue.

Remember that your body speaks and hair loss can be a warning against any other condition.

Video Medicine: Mayo Clinic Minute: Treatment for hair loss in women (April 2024).