Practice the technique

You are addicted to running or a beginner, it has happened to you that when you run and give your best effort, you feel that oxygen does not reach your lungs as you should, you get tired and you begin to get dizzy. You are breathing badly.

One of the big questions is, do you breathe through your nose or through your mouth? If it is cold, is it harmful to breathe through your mouth? How can I run longer without getting tired?


Practice the technique

Contrary to what many think, it turns out that it is better to breathe through the mouth than through the nose, because in this way with the effort you make, oxygen reaches your body faster.


1. Breathe through the mouth

Breathing through your nose is not the only option when you run, unless you're jogging or keeping a really low pace.

When you run your body needs a supply of oxygen that the nose is not able to provide, to do so all the time, come dizziness and headaches.

Video Medicine: How to practice effectively...for just about anything - Annie Bosler and Don Greene (April 2024).