What happens in your body?

The varicose veins they are not a problem just aesthetic, nor exclusively female . Between 35 and 50% of cases occur in mens , most of them between 40 and 60 years, who either because it is a taboo subject or because of grief, they go to a specialist until they present serious complications.

However, this varicose disease It can also be considered as a problem of occupational health important, because it affects people who spend many hours standing in their work, such as waiters, dentists, teachers, hairdressers or shop assistants.

According to Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), the risk increases if the person is exposed to high temperatures in the workplace, as is the case of cooks, bakers or employees of foundry furnaces or similar.


What happens in your body?

The varicose veins appear due to a failure in the factors that favor the return of Blood flow for him venous system , as loss of wall tone venous , insufficient valves, obstruction and tone muscular deficient, among others. There are also risk factors that trigger its appearance, such as obesity Y overweight , the smoking and the sedentary lifestyle .

By not circulating blood , the iron that transports dye the skin until they appear dark spots generally in legs , by position of standing of the human being, although they can also be detected in Superior limbs for other reasons, which happens rarely.

The symptoms of this pathology are: heaviness of legs , pain , edema itching telangiectasias (small vein spider veins), restless legs, Cramps , burning sensation, inflammation , fatigue , changes coloration of the skin , and even, ulcer venous .

According to the IMSS experts, some of the preventive and treatment measures are:

1. Wear compression stockings for varicose veins that help the return venous .
2. Avoid overweight and obesity , since they make it difficult blood circulation , just like him constipation.
3. Do not wear tight clothes that causes cuts in the blood circulation .
4. Exercise . Walk and the swimming It is highly recommended.
5. A proper diet which includes the frequent consumption of fruits such as Kiwi , citrus , grapes , and foods rich in fiber Y Vitamin E , such as soy germ, olive oil and legumes.
6. Raise the legs. When you get home, raise the legs above the level of heart . Lie on the bed and go up your legs on the headboard or on pillows.
7. Do not cross your legs . If you look elegant sitting with the leg crossed, I assure you that you will feel better if you sit down with legs uncrossed.

Follow these simple tips. If your varicose veins They are too pronounced or painful, you should consult your doctor to indicate the appropriate treatment, or the need for surgical intervention.

Video Medicine: WHAT HAPPENS INSIDE YOUR BODY? || 360 VR (April 2024).