Depression in adolescents

Everyone has fluctuations in their mood and the sadness Occasionally, they are normal cusestiones, so it is not difficult to find teenagers in moments of melancholy or sadness, it would not imply problems as long as the event is temporary.

Situations such as a discussion with a partner, a separation, obtaining a bad result on an exam, not being elected in a sport or student activity, moving a friend out of town or the death of a loved one, can lead to feelings of sadness, pain, disappointment or affliction.

These reactions are usually brief and disappear with time and affection. However, warns the psychologist D'Arcy Lyness, of, there are teenagers who suffer from depression and live the daily or eventual problems with another intensity that can lead them to exaggerate their feelings of uselessness or suffering .


To understand depression

It's more than feeling melancholy, sad or in a bad mood from time to time. The depression it is an intense state of mind that involves sadness, discouragement, despair or despair; that lasts for weeks, months or even more, and that affects the ability of the person to perform their usual activities.

The depression it affects the thoughts, perspective and behavior of the adolescent, as well as his mood. In addition to the feeling of depression, you may also suffer from other symptoms, such as tiredness, irritability and changes in appetite.

When a person suffers from depression, the world seems bleak, and his thoughts reflect the despair and the helplessness he feels. These people tend to manifest negative thoughts and self-critical Sometimes, beyond their real value, they may feel useless and unloved.

Depression can cloud everything and make even small problems seem overwhelming. People with this disease are unable to see a bright future and feel powerless to change things for the better.

They may feel like giving up, crying over unimportant things or even for no reason.


They look for solitude and isolation

Because of his deep feelings of sadness and from their low energy, people with depression sometimes distance themselves from those around them or from the activities they once enjoyed. This only makes them feel more in loneliness and isolation , which worsens depression.

The depression It can be mild or severe. In the worst case, depression can generate feelings of despair so deep that the person thinks about suicide.

Depression can also cause physical symptoms. When depressed, some people feel upset stomach, lack of appetite, weight gain or loss, headaches and trouble sleeping.


Warning symptoms at school

Many adolescents feel that being honest with their mothers, fathers or other adults with whom they have confidence can help, hence the importance of knowing those manifestations of depression.

For the and teenagers with depression, which are themselves self-critical and suffer from low self-esteem, a school failure can become intolerable.

There are those who directly leave the school, since they presuppose that they are going to fail because of their problems; or young people who may express their feelings of anger or indifference by drinking or using drugs.

Perhaps many and many of these young people do not realize that depression is causing them concentration problems and their negative thoughts are probably leading them to mistakenly assume that they are unsuccessful.

The school problems that are manifested in absences, lack of interest in the classes, poor motivation or poor concentration, as well as low mental energy, are signs that warn of depression symptoms in adolescents.

There are those who self-inflict with cuts or through food, falling into disorders such as anorexia or bulimia, unequivocal symptoms that they are suffering from depression and show it with acts that require immediate attention.

Video Medicine: Depression : What Are the Treatments for Depression in Children and Adolescents? (April 2024).