Do you accumulate objects compulsively?

Throughout life the human being must face different situations, some happy others not so much. The latter can generate behavior in the individual, which may not be normal for society; example, the Diogenes syndrome.

Considered a predominant disorder in older people, the Diogenes syndrome consists of an obsessive-compulsive behavior to accumulate objects; be useful or simple garbage.

In general, people who suffer from this disease are individuals who feel alone, have not been able to overcome a death, are afraid of their surroundings, or have been subjected to great emotional stress, such as rejection.

This disease, like others, has symptoms that allow the family members of the individual to realize that something is wrong. Some of them are the following:

1.- Social isolation with a tendency to shy away from people or communication situations.

2.- Voluntary confinement in the home.

3.- Neglect in the hygiene and in the feeding.

4.- Imaginary poverty reaction, also called senile misery syndrome, which leads to accumulate not only money, but also objects of different kinds, including garbage.

5.- Rejection of family support.

The treatments that exist for the Diogenes syndrome they are very few, most are aimed at solving the possible triggers that cause the disease.

In addition to a medical treatment, in which it is necessary to observe in what physical state the patient is, in the process it must have the collaboration and support of the relatives.

The Diogenes syndrome it is a disease that occurs, mainly, in elderly people; however, it can be found in any individual who has suffered an emotional disorder.

Like the body, the mind needs care. Love inside and out.

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Video Medicine: What Turns People Into Hoarders? (April 2024).