Paty Manterola becomes a mom

The singer and actress, Paty Manterola She becomes the mother of a beautiful man weighing three kilos 887 grams and 53 centimeters. Lucca, as you will be called, was born last weekend in Los Angeles California .

The actress gave birth through a quiet water birth in a special tub; This alternative is very safe for both the mother and the baby, since it favors the transition of the newborn from the mother's womb to the outside world, and decreases the need to perform a Caesarean section .

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the certified midwife, Gabriela Zebadúa Baqueiro , explains the emotional benefits of the baby born in childbirth in water:

The water birth it requires a preparation through a psycho-prophylactic course . In this course, the future mother is taught to trust her body's abilities to understand and participate actively in labor.

In these classes the mother learns what is going to happen, what she will feel, the techniques to handle the annoyance and respond to them. In addition, they allow a healthy change of attitude to take place, so that labor can be enjoyed fully.

Benefits of water birth

• Hot water serves as a natural painkiller that decreases the pain . • Heat relaxes the muscles of the pelvic floor and reduces the production of adrenalin , hormone that interferes with the advancement of dilatation . • Decrease the time of labor . • Stimulates the production of endorphins , which reduces discomfort and generates a feeling of well-being. • Babies born with water are calmer, have better muscle development and are less irritable. • The participation of the father in childbirth strengthens the affective bonds of the family that is being formed.

The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests that a pregnant woman has all the freedom to choose the type of Birth what you want to have If you are pregnant and you want to have a water birth , look for certified clinics and specialists in this practice to avoid putting your and your baby's health at risk.

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