Depression detonates sleepwalking

The Stanford University School of Medicine , found that in U.S more than 8.4 million people are Sleepwalkers .

The researchers also found a link between the somnambulism and the risk of developing disorders like depression Y anxiety .

The somnambulism is a behavior disorder during sleep in the category of parasomnias , as defined by the doctor, Reyes Haro Valencia , director of the Clinic of the dream of the UNAM in the following video:

The sleepwalker , performs activities such as getting out of bed, going to the bathroom, walking or leaving the house, while you are asleep.

Although there are several theories about the causes of somnambulism , until now it is unknown what causes this disorder. However, specialists suggest that people with depression , dependent on alcohol and those who suffer obsessive-compulsive disorder , they are 3.5 times more likely to suffer somnambulism that those who do not suffer these disorders.

Experts believe that the use of some drugs can also trigger this tastorno, but the exact causes are unknown.

If you have more than two episodes of somnambulism a month, immediately go to your doctor to provide the treatment that best suits your needs, because if you walk unconsciously, you may suffer some type of accident. Good luck!

Video Medicine: British Nuclear Testing (April 2024).