Medical ball tonifies your body

A good option to improve your force and muscular endurance without using the classic weight machines is the medicine ball l, which tones and delineates your entire body without great effort.

In information published in The Huffington Post , the medicine ball shapes the muscles without losing strength and resistance; In addition, he sculpts abdomen and prevents injuries in joints.

The training with the medicine ball helps you to burn the grease accumulated in the body, when combined exercises of resistance and aerobics as shown below.

With the medicine ball you can improve your Cardiovascular system and pulmonary, control your weight body, improve your posture, increase your flexibility , eliminate the stress and have fun while you practice your exercises .

Also, do not hesitate to acquire your own medicine ball to exercise from home, as they are economical and long-lasting. They can be made with leather, rubber or plastic and you can find them with a weight from one kilogram.

The key to increasing your strength and muscular endurance is the combination of exercises , that is, change your routine constantly so that you notice changes in your body in a few weeks.

Do not forget to hydrate properly, as well as doing warm-up and stretching exercises when starting and finishing your routine with the medicine ball. And you, do you prefer the weights or do you dare to try the medicine ball?

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