Do your emotional wounds dominate you?

Sometimes, many of us do not speak what we really think, but our wounds are the protagonists of everything we express. But how are emotional wounds detected to avoid it? Identify them by these actions:

  1. We are aggressive with others
  2. We cause pain to the other, with offenses, bad faces, insults, devaluations
  3. We lose self-control and say hurtful words hurting our relationship with each other
  4. We close doors for being rude

If this is happening to us, without a doubt, they are talking about our emotional wounds for us. So it is necessary to unclog it and take out the poison even if it hurts.

Remove the accumulated and allow, although we believe that there is no medicine to cure our pain, another person help us, are key to overcome the pain, as well as the following steps that are explained below:

It is very positive that before judging the other, reflections who is talking, that is, if the person or his injuries, to understand and help him overcome his pain.

Also, identify if your words destroy instead of building, if they hurt instead of comforting, if they are full of gall and not honey ... you are surely hurt. And you, do you dare to admit it and try to heal your emotional wounds?

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