Protein could detect kidney cancer

Cancer is the third cause of death among the Mexican population, according to the International Union Against Cancer . Still, when in most of the 100 types that exist can be curable if detected in time, in the country more than 60% discover it in the last stages.

However, this situation could change when it comes to kidney cancer. A group of specialists from Hospital of the Vall d'Hebron of Barcelona have discovered a protein that can diagnose this disease in the early stages.

The protein, called HAVCR-1 / KIM, serves as a marker to identify clear cell renal cancer, the most common type, since it accounts for 75% of all kidney tumors.

The study, published by the magazine European Journal of Cancer , states that the abnormal expression of this protein in kidney tissue confers susceptibility to develop tumors and also detects its presence in early stages.

The protein can be detected in the urine and also helps to report relapses in patients. Also, the levels of presence of the same are related to the degree and malignancy of clear cell renal tumors.

According to figures from National Institute of Statistic and Geography In Mexico almost 60 thousand men, women and children die from cancer. Maintaining a balanced life, exercise and diet can help prevent this disease, but only prevention and constant check-ups can help you discover and treat it in time.

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Video Medicine: New kidney biopsy technique changes cancer diagnosis (April 2024).