Cutting is a new fashion among teenagers

A new fad has emerged among teenagers, it's about the so-called cutting , risuka, or self injury, which consists of cutting the skin with a razor or sharp object, to leave marks or tattoos on the body, mainly on the arms and wrists.

According to specialists, the objective of these practices is to provoke physical suffering to feel a "relief" from psychological pain or, simply, pleasure momentary. The people who are most likely to do them are those who suffer depression , anxiety , stress , loneliness and isolation.

In the information published by digital newspaper, Dulce María Pérez , social psychologist of the UPAEP , assures that it is urgent to reestablish interpersonal communication channels, as well as paying attention to the details that indicate changes in the behavior, mood and perception of the reality of depressed people.

Some organizations point out that the cutting it is not a restrictive phenomenon for a certain age, gender or social condition; however, it has been identified in young people between 12 and 25 years old. The following video describes what the self injury:


Presence in Mexico

The educational authorities in Chihuahua have detected the presence of cutting in state schools, so they plan to include the ban in school regulations.

According to data published by , the undersecretary of Education, Culture and Sports in the state, Javier González Mocken , ensures that the cutting it is not a game and much less must be allowed to become a fashion "; therefore, a training course is currently being offered to prevent and detect it. And you, how would you avoid this practice among teenagers?

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