Your attitude towards you has changed

Surely some time a friend has confessed his love and you never imagined it.

But has it happened to someone of your same sex?

Some signs that your friend likes you are:


Your attitude towards you has changed

When we noticed some attitude change in her. It may be that he tries to spend more time with you or that the opposite happens and moves away from you.

In a moment of confusion people move away and more if it is a decision in which the relationship is affected.



He constantly asks you about your love life

Although she is supposed to be your friend, and knows what happens in your love life. You may be asked frequently if you are dating someone, if you are interested in someone, even if you have

I had some adventure lately.



Look for any excuse to be near you

Any pretext is good when it comes to looking for the person you love.

When you notice that your friend is looking for any pretext to get close to you, it is a sign that she may have feelings for you.

From unnecessary calls to go to your house to ask for advice and thus prevent you from leaving home.



You can also see: 3 "indispensable" signs of a healthy love


Try to have more intimacy with you

When she tries to have more intimate moments with you.

For example, sleep in the same bed and travel together more often. I could even ask you to take a bath with her.

The University of Sydney, Australia, He made a study of what happens when he allows more intimacy with your friend. It is possible that having so much coexistence friendship is confused with love and a process of idealization and falling in love with the other person.


When these are shown signs that your friend likes you it is important to act at the moment

What is recommended at that time is to talk things as honestly as possible so that the two decide whether to put distance between or follow the friendship under some conditions.


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Video Medicine: 10 Ways to Improve Your Attitude and Improve Your Life! (April 2024).