Control your anxiety and lose weight

Our society is marked by standards of beauty that force many people to try to achieve ideal silhouettes and, in many cases, impossible to obtain. Many people become obsessed with the matter and turn it into a eating disorder .

In all this mania for being thin , the anxiety plays a preponderant role, whether the overweight of a person is determined by the food addiction or by a series of hormonal problems .

The truth is that between anxiety and the overweight There is a very close relationship: although these factors influence the ideal weight of each person, psychological factors have a definite burden.

The symptoms of anxiety they are very diverse, although the most common are the vegetative hyperactivity that manifests with tachycardia, dilation of the pupils, sensation of suffocation, tremors in the extremities, loss of control or knowledge, perspiration, stiffness and weakness of the muscles; insomnia, motor restlessness, difficulties in communication, as well as negative and obsessive thoughts.

On many occasions, these symptoms lead the person to calm the anxiety with food that the organism, of course, does not need.

Kaplan's theory: people are obese because they have affective or personality problems and try to alleviate their discomfort through the behavior of eating.

In numbers

Mexico ranks first in obesity worldwide. A group of researchers from the Department of Family Medicine of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), conducted a study in which it was intended to relate the symptoms of anxiety widespread with obesity in patients from a family medicine unit in Mexico City.

One of the most interesting conclusions revealed that the anxiety is a disorder that is under-diagnosed, so it is important to identify and treat it in patients with overweight .

The sample included 150 people over 18 and under 60, with over weight . The results revealed that 55% of the patients presented a mild anxiety .

40% moderate to severe, and 5% did not present anxiety . The doctors identified other symptoms of anxiety related to obesity as anxious mood , tension , gastrointestinal disorders and the Central Nervous System .

Video Medicine: Anxiety & Depression : How to Lose Weight While Taking Antidepressants (May 2024).