Hormones that can determine your weight

Given the evident epidemic of obesity in Mexico, it is necessary to understand all the factors and causes related to this condition. According toUnited Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) , Mexico also ranks first in childhood obesity.

Data of the National Health and Nutrition Survey (ENSANUT, 2012) , reveal that one out of every three adolescents, is overweight and obese. Therefore in,GetQoralHealth we present the following video that shows the hormones related to satiety and appetite that can determine your weight:

1. Leptin

"Signs for your brain"
This Hormone is designed for the control of body weight, when there is more body fat, more leptin is produced and less appetite we feel, otherwise when there is a lack of body fat, the appetite increases. Together with its receptors it produces the signal of satiety to the brain.

2. Insulin

"Improve your metabolism"
It has been found that insulin that passes to the brain decreases food intake and body weight. Insulin resistance is a factor that causes obesity. Carbohydrates are processed in our body to generate glucose (energy), but in high concentrations it is harmful; whereby the pancreas releases insulin to "clean" the blood.

3. Cortisol

This glucocorticoid hormone is released in response to stress and stimulates the metabolism of carbohydrates and fat to generate energy and produce insulin, and maintain adequate levels of blood sugar.

4. Irisina

"Activate yourself"
According to researchers from the Harvard University , irisin is segregated by practicing physical activity and helps burn calories efficiently, even after finishing routines, it has been proven that physical activity raises the level of irisin in the body.

5. Cholecystokinin

"Eat less"
It makes you eat less, producing a feeling of fullness. In the small intestine favors the emulsification of fats to facilitate the absorption and digestion of them. This hormone is secreted in the presence of food, by the duodenal cells mainly fats, acts inhibiting the gastric emptying and thus produce satiety.

According to National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) , hormones are the chemical messengers of the neuroimmunoendocrine system, this system consists of a complex network of chemical signals that control responses and functions of the body, which in this case can determine your weight. Do not forget to attend with your doctor on a regular basis. Beware!

Video Medicine: 9 Hormones That Lead to Weight Gain and Ways to Avoid It (April 2024).