Discover all about bipolarity

Did you know that your level of intelligence influences the development of bipolar disorder? That's right, researchers from Institute of Psychiatry at King's College London, in the United Kingdom, and the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm , Sweden, claim that intelligence is one of the causes of bipolarity.

To verify that a higher intellectual capacity increases the risk of bipolarity, the exams conducted between 1988 and 1997 by 15-year-old students in Sweden were analyzed. These data were compared with the academic achievements of students diagnosed with bipolarity.

With this, it was discovered that those who had excellent grades showed four times the risk of developing bipolarity in an adult age, than those who obtained average results.

According to the study published in the British Journal of Psychiatry , the relationship between bipolarity and intelligence is greater in men than in women.


Discover all about bipolarity

Bipolarity is characterized by extreme changes in the moods of a person, so its main characteristic are the periods of excitability and intense depression even with desires to die as explained in the following video:

According to specialists from Angeles Hospitals , bipolarity triggers attacks of excessive laughter and excessive euphoria without reason, motor hyperactivity, loss of dream , pictures of irritability and depression without any cause.

Bipolar disorder generates alterations in certain neurotransmitters that produce behavioral changes, which can occur from 15 years of age, although its highest incidence is between 25 and 35 years.

Family members or friends are those who detect the disease in a person, because who suffers it does not realize the changes in behavior.

There are some medications that help to stabilize the neurotransmitters and the mood of the patients; However, this treatment needs to be complemented with psychological therapies to improve the quality of life of people with bipolarity. And you, how smart are you? If you want to know more about the causes of bipolarity click here.

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Video Medicine: Bipolar Disorder - A short Introduction (April 2024).