Know yourself more!

Allan Wallace , author of the book "The power of meditation to achieve balance" , indicates that meditating allows reaching levels of concentration unimaginable, that help us to carry out our daily activities in an effective and serene way.

In accordance with The Huffington Post There are 6 classic excuses not to meditate.


Know yourself more!

1. I can not clear my head, my mind is always running

The trick is to stop being so hard on ourselves. When you mind Take care thinking what you will cook for dinner or if you can exercise later, do not judge yourself. Refocus on the breathing and count again, recommend Pierson .

2. I do not have a good place to concentrate

Although a quiet place is ideal, we can to meditate in any place and in any circumstance. If you are distracted by the sirens outside or the sound of people talking around you, pay attention to the noise instead of being stressed by not listening to it, recommends Andy Puddicombe , a former monk and member of the company meditation of Pierson .

3. Sitting calm makes me sleepy

If you need a nap after to meditate You probably needed it anyway. The meditation sharpens the awareness of any feeling or feeling, like fatigue or happiness , Explain Pierson .

4. I have tried, but I can not

It is not about being an expert, but about dedicating time to treat it. your mind It will not always be in a place of calm and clarity. That is why it is precisely meditation help, comment Puddicombe .

5. I am hyperactive, I can not sit for a long time

Experts say that up to five seconds of meditation they will do us good We probably feel anxious at the beginning, but over time, we can master our wandering thoughts.

A team of psychiatrists, led by the Massachusetts General Hospital , found that following a program of meditation for eight weeks can cause considerable positive changes in the brain regions related to the memory , the self-awareness , the empathy and the stress .

Video Medicine: How Do You Get To Know Yourself Fully? - Sadhguru answers at Entreprenuers Organization Meet (April 2024).