Change your life with positive thoughts

The power points to change our way of living, enjoying it more, with greater inner peace and fullness , it may be easier than you think through positive thoughts .

The only really important thing is that internally, you decide to change the thoughts you generate.

Louise L. Hay, one of the recognized authors of transcendental meditation, has some key points to remember and integrate in our way of thinking. These are:

1. Each one of us is responsible for his experiences . 2. Every thought we have is creating our future. 3. We all face harmful patterns of resentment, guilt and criticism. 4. But these are only thoughts, and these can be changed. 5. We need to abandon the past and forgive to all. 6. Self-acceptance in the "now" are the keys to positive changes. 7. The point of power It is always in the present moment.

Einstein said: "Everything is energy, vibrating at different frequencies, which determines the quality of the result", so when you fully understand and act accordingly (applying the method), the results come cascading.

It is key to tune in with a higher vibrational frequency level, to resonate from there and attract events, situations, people and circumstances that are within these vibrational fields.

This is not esotericism, it is not "new age" philosophy taken out of the sleeve; it is about understanding the union of science with the spirit. Modify your way of thinking and change the way you are, how you live and your experiences .

Dr. Joe Dispenza, in his new book "Breaking the habit of being yourself," confirms how we usually suffer year after year because we simply think the same thing year after year.

Go to and find out more about how you can change your thought and energy . Two very important resources are: "The internal activation of the Pineal Gland" and the workshop "You can heal your life" by Louise L. Hay

Remember: Your thoughts generate your feelings, and these, at the same time, your attitudes and habits, all this forms your personality. You can change thinking in a more adequate, positive and powerful way.

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