Cystitis causes hematuria

The cystitis is an acute inflammatory condition of the bladder , which occurs in all ages and genders; however, women and the elderly are the most affected.

In accordance with Othón Moreno Alcázar , Head of the Urology Department of the General Hospital of Zona 1, of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), the disease It can be caused by bacteria or external factors (radiotherapy).

The prevalence of cystitis is greater in women, due to the closeness of the rectum, the perineum, vagina and the urinary meatus. In men, the infections of the bladder by the size of the urethra and the presence of the prostate.

The specialist explained that 40% of women who have the disease, have microscopic hematuria (presence of blood in the urine), because of the severity of the inflammatory process.

Among the most frequent symptoms of this disease are: the polaquiuria (increased frequency of urination), the dysuria (burning and urgency to urinate), fever , Back pain.

Learn to prevent it!

To avoid the annoyance cystitis , specialists recommend:

  1. Do not hold back the need to urinate when our nature asks
  2. Drink plenty of liquids (simple water, preferably)
  3. It is very important to have a careful grooming of the perineal axis, vagina and rectum

Avoid self-medication, because it causes the infectious process is not cured and complicated. As soon as you feel some discomfort when urinating, go to your doctor to offer you an appropriate treatment.

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Video Medicine: Urinary Tract Infection | How To Prevent UTI (2018) (April 2024).