Start reading between the lines

Just looking at it is enough to know that you love it, but not to deduce if the feeling is mutual ... For this it is important that you learn to read the signs (actions, gestures, words) that reveal that your partner loves you.

According to the Psychologist Fanny Franco, in an interview for GetQoralHealth , the first indication is that it gives you your place:


Do not put your friends, social events, hobbies or family before the relationship; It even makes you a participant in every important aspect of your life. How? Through casual comments: you want to go, I invite you, I would like you to accompany me ... "

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Start reading between the lines

If you want to know the truth of the relationship, the psychologist Franco describes below some signs that your partner loves you.


1. Do things that make you feel good

It will never destabilize you; example, stay at an hour and let you wait for hours until he arrives. But it will have details like helping you with your work or school, accompanying you to a place you need to go. It will always try to help you in your possibilities.


2. It impels you

It will support your decisions, whether to go to a course, change jobs, stop talking to a friend, change hair color ... although he does not think it necessary or think differently to you. He will try to boost your dreams.


Video Medicine: Attraction: Reading Between The Lines (April 2024).