Botox could help in the treatment against asthma

Scientists in Australia study botox (botulinum toxin type A) as a relaxant of the muscles of the larynx, to provide a direct benefit in the treatment of asthmatic patients.

Researchers at the Monash University Medical Center, in Melbourne, led by the professor Phil Bardin , director of the Center for Respiratory and Sleep Medicine at Monash Medical Center, say that the substance can counteract the muscle spasms that asthma causes in the larynx.

Asthma is a chronic condition that is characterized by attacks with breathing difficulties or whistles when breathing. The intensity of each episode depends on the organism of each patient.

It is known that during an asthma attack, the inflammation of the lining of the bronchial passages becomes inflamed and this causes narrowing in the air ways , which affects the flow of air that enters and leaves the lungs; However, Professor Bardin explained that his research showed that half of patients suffering from severe asthma not only have problems in the lungs, but also in the larynx.


The study of the university, took scanners of patients with asthma attacks, and it was revealed that the larynx of the most serious patients often goes into a spasm, so Bardin hopes that this discovery will moderate the condition and explain why the traditional treatments they are not effective in some patients.

The new research focuses on whether Botox, can help relax the muscles in the larynx, so that the entry and exit of air can be coordinated with lung breathing.

Video Medicine: Botox for asthma (April 2024).