5 keys to not break your food plan

Carry a food plan It should not be synonymous with sacrifice, the secret lies in knowing how to combine food and eat responsibly. It is true that certain habits must be modified to improve your health and your appearance. To avoid the temptations, and to maintain an enviable figure this see us, the blog Deganadores.com gives you five keys not to break your diet:

1.- Healthy size: When you break the bad habits and carry a healthy eating plan you have the satisfaction of locating yourself in a single weight and size, so the possibility of a rebound is eliminated and you achieve the satisfaction of buying the clothes you like. If you feel a craving, drink a glass of water before eating it.

2.- Maximum self-esteem: When you see yourself and feel good, your self-esteem increases, so you will feel more attractive, confident and with an excellent state of mind. If you fancy a treat or a product that is outside your food plan, swallow it but try to burn it with a little exercise .

3.- Healthy weekends: If on your rest days the temptation to eat out seizes you, try to order products that resemble those of your food plan and have a healthy cooking process. Avoid everything that has been weathered or breaded, to prevent those carbohydrates accumulate in your waist.

4.- Vegetarian day: Choose a day of the week where you forget the meats and use other ingredients to prepare delicious dishes. It's like a way to detoxify your body and maintain your weight stable.

5.- Attractive dishes: When food is served in an attractive way, people eat it with more pleasure. If the portions are small, try using smaller plates. In addition, the company during the meal will cause you to eat more slowly.

There are many tricks to avoid breaking the food plan , but it is important that you know 100%, to avoid binge eating when you feel depressed or stressed. Also, if you know you'll eat some calories of more you must incorporate the exercise to your life to eliminate them and prevent them from accumulating in your body. And you, how do you carry your food plan?  

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