Reduce your stress with meditation

To practice meditation on a regular basis helps to reduce the levels of stress Y anxiety . About, Allan Wallace, author of the book The power of meditation to achieve balance, says that this technique is beneficial to be more tolerant and make better decisions:

"He does not to meditate , sometimes it causes us to feel distracted , puzzled or blocked , which in turn causes us anxiety and difficulty in carrying out the tasks we usually perform. "

Attention, the main tool for meditating

According to the Royal Academy of the Language, to meditate is to apply the thought with absolute attention to the consideration of a thing.

Wallace, in his book, says: "If we can not focus our attention, either because of agitation or inactivity, we will be unable to do something correctly. We can not study, listen, talk with others, work, play, or even sleep well, if our attention is weakened. "

The expert in meditation It indicates that one of the greatest benefits of this practice is that it enables us to successfully cultivate other positive qualities: "With the powerful tool of focused attention, we can root out bad habits that were previously intractable, such as addictive behaviors or harmful thoughts and emotions "Says Wallace.

Thanks to the meditation It can develop a state of openness of the heart towards others and, on that basis, experience profound approaches to the nature of mind and reality that will radically alter our relationship with the rest of the world.

If you want to start in the meditation , it is recommended that you do it in a place that generates peace; close your eyes and if possible, place some incense or candles, so you can relax. In this way, your attention capacity, as well as your physical and emotional performance will improve, so you will reach a greater emotional balance. Of course, you must be constant, to enjoy these benefits.

Video Medicine: Breathing Meditation | UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center (April 2024).