Define your waist with Boot Camp

The Boot Camp It is the new fashion of exercises that help you get off weight and to tone your body quickly and effectively. With this discipline you can wear a defined waist and a free abdomen grease on this vacation.

In accordance with , you just have to mentalize yourself to do Boot Camp three or four days a week, leaving a day of rest between each, so that your body recovers and you get better results. Are you ready? Then put into practice the following exercises :

1.- Inverted lizards: Lie on your stomach and lean on your forearms and elbows, which should be parallel to your shoulders. Separate your legs a little and lean on your tips. Contract your abdomen and let your body form a straight line from the head to the feet. Raise your hips higher than shoulder height. Hold the position and raise the right foot to join it with the left one. Return to the original position. Do 20 repetitions, alternating legs. In the following video another option of lizards is shown:

2.- Cardiovascular explosion: Stand up and spread your legs at the hips. Squat and place your right hand on the floor so that it is halfway to your legs; let your left arm be behind your body. It contracts the abdomen and jumps backwards, without taking the hand off the ground. Jump forward again to return to the original position. Do 20 repetitions and alternate the arms.

3.- Abdominal burns calories: Lie on your back with your legs extended and together, as well as your arms at your sides. Contract the abdomen and lift the torso, arms and legs at the same time without flexing them, as if doing a V. Do 20 repetitions.

4.- Non-greasy waist: Stand with your feet together and arms extended over your head, hands clasped. While jumping to separate the feet and get in a squatting position, lower your arms and turn your torso to the right side, so that they are at the height of the hip. Jump to place yourself in the starting position. Do 20 repetitions, alternating sides.

5.- Extreme Squats: Stand with your feet at the hips and with your hands on the back of your neck. Make a squat position, stand up and raise your right leg while turning your trunk in the opposite direction. Return to the starting position and change the leg. Do 20 repetitions alternating the legs.

With this routine you will get an abdomen of envy, in addition you will improve your cardiovascular health and you will forget fatigue and boredom. In a session of Boot Camp you can burn up to 1,500 calories , so it keeps you at a healthy weight; However, do not trust yourself and complement the exercise with good nutrition and hydration. And you, are you ready to incorporate the Boot Camp into your life?  

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Video Medicine: Happily Ever After Abs | BRIDAL BOOTCAMP (April 2024).