What reveals your hair of you?

A woman's hair is aesthetically more expressive than a man's. A proper haircut can give your face more attractive, for example, intensify the expression of your eyes or soften your features. However, it also has the ability to reveal features of your personality.

In accordance with Marianne Lafrance, psychologist of the Yale University , the hair has a prominent role in the first impression; since through it you can perceive if the person is fun, uninhibited, passionate, apprehensive, witty or depressed.

In her study the specialist, Lafrance, discovered that each type of cut is related to one of personality and GetQoralHealth Tells you some:

1. Long. It shows openness, passion, emotion and that is uninhibited.

2. Short hair and tousled. They are women who communicate confidence and an extroverted personality on the professional level, something contrary in the sexual field.

3. Informal of medium hair. He is an intelligent person and of good character.

4. Long, straight and blond. It offers an image of sexuality and prosperity.

In the case of men, a haircut can show another type of emotions or personality:

1. Neither short nor long and with line. It gives an impression of intelligence, economic well-being and narrow-mindedness.

2. Long hair. It communicates nonchalance and good character.

3. Hairstyle back. It can be interpreted as a sign of confident, attractive and focused character.

The hair serves as a frame for the face, and without it the image we project seems unbalanced, because the visual centers of the brain perceive the content in a more dispersed way than when we can associate it cognitively framing it.

That is why baldness affects both men, beyond being an aspect related to aging, it removes the framework that defines the features and attractiveness of the face.

To maintain a beautiful and healthy hair, regardless of the haircut you have, try to maintain a balanced diet and add 30 minutes of exercise to your routine. You will see how your appearance changes!

Video Medicine: The Body Part You Wash First Reveals Your Personality (April 2024).