Orange juice relieves the flu, myth or reality?

Once you have the first flu symptoms, your immediate reaction is to find the most effective remedy to cure it. Your choice of "drawer" is orange juice, for its high content of vitamin C, little by little?

Even, you recommend it to your friends and family, believing that this brew Combat all the symptoms.

This situation will sound very familiar to you, because we have all gone through this, but according to several studies, the reality is different ...

We agree that the orange It is a citrus that brings a lot of vitamin C to our body, helping strengthen the immune system and increase our defenses , but none of their properties ensures that it manages to fight and prevent the cold.

According to the site Natursan , drink an orange juice it does not help prevent or cure the flu In comparison to a medication, even excess consumption can bring negative effects such as gastrointestinal problems.

The conclusion of the study "Vitamin C to prevent and treat the common cold" is that the consumption of vitamin C during the flu or cough, is not as effective as we have believed, since it does not reduce the symptoms, although several people felt a minimal improvement.

The reality is that a juice of orange, mandarin or grapefruit does not fall bad to anyone even though it does not remove the flu or reduce any respiratory disease.

So we recommend taking good care of yourself during the autumn and winter seasons and leaving home well prepared to avoid any illness.

Courtesy of Delirious Cuisine @cocinadelirante


Uses of the orange outside the kitchen.

Orange Shortbread.

Recipes with orange