5 diseases in children

The diseases in children The most common are infections produced by virus or bacteria , which are characterized by their rapid transmission of a boy to another orally. The most frequent are ailments respiratory and diseases diarrheal .

Currently, most of the viral infections are prevented thanks to the vaccination, which acts reinforcing the defenses of the boy ; its application constitutes the measure of prevention more effective against some diseases serious as the poliomyelitis , tuberculosis , diphtheria , whooping cough , tetanus Y measles .

Therefore, in GetQoralHealth we inform you about 5 infections very common among the little ones


1. Bronchitis

Is a inflammation of the bronchi , with cough Y expectoration . It can be of short duration (acute) or chronic, that is to say, that lasts for a long time and resorts often. In most cases, it is due to a cold or to a flu poorly cared for

The acute bronchitis usually follows a Respiratory infection , and initially affects the nose, sinuses and throat, and then spreads to the lungs .

Sometimes, a person can acquire another bacterial infection (secondary) in the respiratory tract. This means that, in addition to virus , there is bacteria that are infecting the respiratory tract. Children are at risk of bronchitis acute if your parents smoke, if they have illness cardiac or pulmonary underlying.

On the other hand, chronic bronchitis in children it is a long-lasting condition and is characterized by cough what with mucus excessive For diagnosis, it is required that the person has had a cough with mucus during almost every day, for at least 3 months.

2. Diaper Dermatitis

It is an intense redness from the area of buttocks , more frequent during the first months of life. It can be accompanied by small chafing and is caused by the continuous irritation of the urea of the urine , that by action of bacteria , it is transformed into ammonia.

The doctor should be consulted if there is infection . Otherwise, it is necessary to change the diapers more frequently and expose the buttocks to the action of the outdoors. To prevent chafing , it should be applied in the affected area creams Protective silicone based.

On the other hand, seborrheic dermatitis or seborrheic eczema in babies, it's a inflammation of the skin which affects especially the scalp , but it can extend to the face, nostrils, eyebrows and eyelids. Is a eruption red, spicy and scaly caused by the hyperactivity of sebaceous glands .

3. Gastroenteritis

The inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach it is called gastritis , while that of the intestines is known as enteritis . When both organs are affected, there is a stomach flu .

It's about the irritation and inflammation of the set of digestive tract . The loss of appetite and the sickness , followed by diarrhea , are the first symptoms of this disease. Then there are accesses of threw up , with diarrhea watery, pains in the intestine, fever and extreme weakness.

In children and babies It is caused by a viral infection , which is easily transmitted from one person to another by individual contact, without mediation of food or beverages.

Beverages and food contaminated by microbes they can also produce stomach flu , as well as the allergy to certain foods. Another possible cause is the alteration of the bacterial flora natural digestive tract . Even, some antibiotics can have a similar effect due to acting on the population bacterial intestinal, altering its natural balance.

4. Varicella

In children and babies it is characterized by fever and the appearance of rashes in the skin . It is easy to transmit and, therefore, very contagious. The first most common symptom is an outbreak with vesicles or blisters in all the skin : scalp , genitals and even mouth injuries appear.

In general, it usually causes itch , fever high, headache , sickness , vomiting and loss of appetite. In children and babies This disease is caused by a virus of the herpes group called Varicella zoster , which is spread from person to person by the cough or sneezing, as well as by direct contact through tissues or injuries in the skin .

Among schoolchildren and family members, the probability of infection is higher than 90%. The incubation period occurs between the first contact with the virus and the onset of symptoms varies between 9 and 21 days.

The contagion can begin 2 days before the appearance of the vesicles and continue for up to five days after the onset of the lesions. The vesicles they break releasing a clear liquid (very contagious) and after 4 to 5 days the crusts are formed.

5. Mumps

The mumps or parotitis in children and babies is a Viral infection acute disease characterized by inflammation of salivary glands which, in turn, can compromise other organs. Its incidence increases at the beginning of spring, usually in children of school age.

The period of infection is 1 to 2 days before the appearance of the papera , until a period between 4 and 9 days after the appearance. The child will present fever not very high, swelling of the parotid gland and pain in that region. Digestive symptoms may also appear vomiting Y pain abdominal, and encephalitis .

The swelling it disappears approximately a week and reaches the maximum peak between the second and third day. The child must be isolated for 9 days from the onset of symptoms.

Remember that each disease starts with a different symptom. A pain , a injury , a malaise, rare sensations, weakness or difficulty of movement, are some of the signs that indicate something is not working well in your child's body. Therefore, we must be very alert.

Video Medicine: Diet and autoimmune diseases - Akron Children's Hospital video (April 2024).