Beyond love for them

The love and the care towards mascots they are something natural that has many Benefits for health, from reducing the stress to prevent heart disease; However, when beats this limit could be a sign of a disorder . Meet the characteristics of Noah's Ark syndrome .


The people with this disorder tend to accumulate compulsively animals in your house as if they were objects ; in most cases they do not take care of them properly. Usually, it is not aware of it, "he says Liliana Tuñoque, psychoanalytic psychotherapist of Peruvian Urology .


Beyond love for them

The syndrome of the Noah's ark affects mainly the Adults older people, who see in them a way to fill the loneliness and the empty before him family abandonment , considering them the best company .

People retired with needs of sweetie tend to adopt the greatest number of mascots because they find comfort in them, although they do not always provide mascots the Attention and the care they require.


The desire obsessive to pick up the animals of the Street Y house them at home it is observed mainly in women lonely , singles , elderly , or in those who have altered the faculties mental , that is, in those who have a special need for love, "he explains. José Miguel Gaona , psychiatrist and author of The Eva Syndrome.

Other characteristics of those who suffer from this syndrome is that they also tend accumulate objects or trash ; they live in places unhealthy , between dust, humidity and all the dirt proper to animals, which it affects its Health physical.

Among the list of animals that they usually adopt are the cats , dogs , birds , rabbits, ferrets, chickens , goats, cows.

According to the Mymbá Foundation , you can identify those who suffer from this syndrome :


  1. It is very difficult to let you enter your house and almost always look outside your door
  2. If he lets you in, it is practically impossible to find a free space to sit, walk or place any object
  3. There are no spaces allocated for animals, their food, beds and sandboxes or dog bath
  4. It is very easy to find animal feces on the floor or on any free surface
  5. It is unclear how many animals are in your home, you can not name them by name or do not know when they arrived
  6. They are not vaccinated, sterilized


Desire to accumulate

The Noah's Ark syndrome is associated with that of Diogenes that reflects a behavior compulsive of accumulate objects and large quantities of trash in his house; they live in conditions of extreme poverty and alone.


Those who suffer these disorders they come to present symptoms depressive , therefore it is recommended to make a evaluation precise and diagnosis to determine the clinical picture, then start with a treatment pharmacological Y psychotherapy " , suggests the psychiatrist José Miguel Gaona.

¿You know to someone with these characteristics?

Video Medicine: Beach House - Beyond Love (April 2024).