Bad digestion affects your mood

The stress it is one of the most common problems in our society; It directly impacts the mood and generates poor digestion. Its symptoms are reflected in digestive problems such as colitis, gastritis or constipation.

Data from Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) , reveal that 30% of the Mexican population suffers from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and in 60% of cases it is caused by anxiety and stress .

In addition to the above, there are other factors that intervene for poor digestion, such as lack of breakfast, irregular meal times and the intake of foods high in fat and irritants.

Mood states are transient processes that are influenced by various factors, both environmental and personality.

Alterations in mood can be generated by changes in the biochemical and hormonal status of the individual as well as by lack of sleep, food and exercise; all this detonates in a bad digestion.

Health specialists mention that consuming fiber reduces up to 40% the chances of suffering from colitis or other diseases such as colon cancer .

Researchers of the University of Cardiff found that people who eat foods with more fiber have less emotional stress, cognitive difficulties, depressive levels and better positive attitude.

The researchers agreed that the increase in fiber intake from cereals with wheat bran reduces fatigue, improves poor digestion and increases the number of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract.

To prevent poor digestion requires care in the diet that includes a regular consumption of fiber, low-fat foods, avoid the consumption of irritants such as seasonings, fats, caffeine, preservatives, alcohol and tobacco; besides establishing a fixed meal schedule.

Video Medicine: Gut Bacteria and Mental Health: How Inflammation Affects Us: Thomas DeLauer (May 2024).