Treatments and recommendations against gastritis

Gastritis is an inflammation of the mucosa that lines the stomach. Although the term is used to describe different types of problems, one of the most frequent causes of this inflammation is the infection by the bacteria call Helicobacter pylori. Other causes of gastritis are alcohol abuse, stress and the use of medications such as analgesics and anti-inflammatories. The infection by H. pylori It is so common that it is believed that half of the world's population is infected, says the medical team of the prestigious Mayo Clinic (United States).

However, most people do not suffer any manifestation. Gastritis may appear suddenly (acute gastritis), or it may develop over time (chronic gastritis). In most cases, gastritis can quickly improve with the proper treatment , but occasionally it can be the origin of gastric ulcers and even cancer.

How to face her

The most important thing in the treatment of gastritis is to treat the cause of it. If acute gastritis is caused by alcohol abuse or medication use, the use of these substances will have to be suspended. If the cause of chronic gastritis is infection by H. pylori, the bacteria will have to be eradicated with antibiotics. To reduce symptoms and to promote recovery of the stomach mucosa, medications are also usually prescribed to treat heartburn, since gastric acid can irritate the inflamed tissue causing pain and worsening inflammation. Some of these drugs neutralize said acid and others inhibit its production.



In cases of acute gastritis, especially in the more severe ones or when there is bleeding, it may be necessary to remain fasting until the inflammation decreases with the help of medical treatment and then the feeding will begin again little by little beginning with clear liquids.

Some changes in lifestyle can help decrease symptoms , favor a faster recovery and avoid new gastritis. Among the most important are: stop smoking, eat healthy and avoid abundant and fatty foods; Eat regularly, respecting schedules and with moderate portions; maintain a healthy body weight, exercise and control stress.

If you think you have gastritis, do not self-medicate. Better consult your doctor, who can confirm or rule out the diagnosis and prescribe the most appropriate treatment to prevent possible complications.

Video Medicine: Gastritis (April 2024).